Solo Kiko COVID-19 Student Protection Program

In an effort to educate Hispanic and Latino families on COVID-19 prevention and vaccines in our target cities, the National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF) is working in collaboration with the Solo Kiko program to empower bilingual grade school children with medical education about diseases.

Solo Kiko Program
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NHHF/Rockefeller Community Activation Grants 

The National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF) invites you to submit a proposal for a community action grant sponsored by the NHHF with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose of the grant is to increase the capacity of community-based organizations and chapters of our medical, dental, and nursing associations to address COVID-19 inequities in the Hispanic/Latino community. Our overall goal is to increase vaccination uptake of the seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines in three major markets: Oakland, Chicago, and Houston. You know your communities best, so we want to help support you! This is a unique opportunity to be supported for education activities and impact you want to see. Let NHHF help support your efforts through a community activation grant.

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Hispanic Physicians Building Community through COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness and Equity

The National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF) is excited to announce our partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation to establish the Hispanic Physicians Building Community through COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness and Equity campaign.

Access the NHHF/Rockefeller Vaccination Toolkit
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Hispanic physicians are among the most trusted sources of information about the COVID-19 disease, its management, prevention, and vaccination information. Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 8 in 10 Black and/or Latino people prefer to get their information about COVID-19 from doctors and other healthcare professionals. Previous research has documented the benefits of patient–physician racial concordance on communication and health outcomes, underscoring the importance of a diverse workforce to care for a diverse population. However, according to the AAMC, only 5% and 5.8% of U.S. physicians were African American and Hispanic in 2018, respectively. Thus, we believe there is a critical need to increase our physician participation in COVID-19 vaccination media/social media and community and school activities to increase uptake of the vaccinations in poor and marginalized Latino families who are not being reached by public health campaigns of CDC and public health departments.